Opinion / 16.05.2020

From the heartstring pulling, soul dredging sounds of Sam Cooke to the powerful, demanding voice of Aretha Franklin, Rhythm and Blues has been a staple of American music and the true channel of the Black Experience’s expression for nearly 80 years. Before the term was used or coined, the artistry that Black people created in song was considered race music. It was a way to label the music that Black people created regardless of the genre or sound that it was created in outside of classical or religious music. In the 1940’s, the term ‘rhythm and blues’ had begun to...

Music, Opinion / 15.05.2020

Growing up as a young Black boy in America in southern Florida, one of the primary rules and principles I was told as a kid is: Don’t talk to strangers. If any stranger approaches you, run for cover or call for help.  Growing up, there are a lot of unforeseen dangers and things that you come across where the unknown presents a far more dangerous outcome visual than what you may know. This means you always have to be on guard when you enter into the world because you can’t predict the future. In my community, it has always been...

Opinion / 13.05.2020

Currently, we are in the midst of a period to which modern society has never experienced before. Whether you call this virus COVID-19 or the Coronavirus, this RNA based virus has created a global pandemic that has truly crippled economies worldwide as well as the spirit of humanity as a whole. With a world that is accustomed to constant movement, high intense activity and endless motion; the world has suddenly stopped on a dime to a halt. This has left many with wondering what to do, how to cope and ultimately what will life be during and beyond this pandemic....

Music / 10.05.2020

Have you ever heard an album where you could feel the fun the artist had making it? Well, if you haven’t, then allow me to introduce you to album where you will hear the love and fun of Soul and R&B all the way from over here. The architect of the album is none other than the master of songwriting, storytelling and conveyer of the male emotion Eric Roberson. This is his 15th project, and the energy feels like it’s his 1st project to release majorly. With critically acclaimed albums such as The Vault 1.5, …Left, Mister Nice Guy and...